Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Recently I went to MOMA, not my usual stomping ground I much prefer the Met and its greater scope, but I went with a friend from out of town and I was once again floored by the Monets.

Sometimes in life you are not ready to truly see a painting. For whatever reason you may be too narrow at the time, or perhaps baffled at why someone would dedicate their life to such trifles as a certain kind of line or form sense.

I was ready for this painting, and I was shocked by the intimate sensitivity and love of paint that it contained. This is painting for me, love of paint. Not politics or gender, but sensitive mind altering paint. No where in all of MOMA was such a masterpiece. Truly it is the gem of painting there, and if you haven't seen it in person you can't understand it-go see it.